Thursday 27 November 2014

Donald And Audrey Beadle

It's been a few days since I last posted on here. My cousin Vera phoned yesterday and asked me if I knew of anything about Uncle Dons background so as to tell the vicar about him. Not many people know anything about him because he always kept his life private ya know?! 

Anyway, we, Vera and I, rang around last night to various people to find out something about Uncle Don for the Vicar to talk about. Not sure what everyone has come up with. I don't know when the funeral is. I am hoping to go with cousin Pat and her husband Roy if there's no hic-ups between now and then and my own health hold up as well as the weather.
This is the only photo above I have of Uncle Don and Auntie Audrey. Its not a good photo though but I will treasure it just the same. 
I have put all my old photos on DVD and this one too so it will be saved  forever.

All my Aunts and Uncles have passed on leaving behind just two Aunties. Auntie Audrey and Auntie Glad, both by marraige. 

Auntie Audrey is in a nursing home for people with Alzheimers. She seems to know people, forgets soon after. I spoke to Auntie Audrey on the phone Sunday 23/11/2014.
Auntie Glad is ill with a weak chest and has Pnuemonia at the moment. I spoke to Auntie Glad last night, Wednesday 26/11/2014.  

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Time...Tic Toc

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