Tuesday 28 April 2015

Diabetic Blood Sugar Tests

I don't seem to be able to add backgrounds here any more, still never mind!

I was supposed to be registering my blood sugars for the nurse this week but, the battery has gone in my metre. I have just ordered a battery and note book on line, they should be here by next week. What a time for my battery to pack up on me.
I will have to change my appointment with the nurse now because I've got to register my blood sugars every day at certain times during the day for a week then go to see the diabetic nurse the following week.
I have been keeping to my diet and doing some light exercises all last week for my testing this week but, I'm unable to do the tests as mentioned. 
I will still keep up with the diet and exercises and start the tests for the nurse when the batteries arrive and make a new appoinment to see the diabetic nurse.
I got myself all ready for these tests and now I've got to wait again.

H (?brother) came round on Saturday to see ?. ? is still having a bad time of it health-wise. It was nice to see H and ? talking like old times and laughing here and there. When ? laughed he was coughing and choking but even so, it was nice to see ? a bit happy for a little while, it sort of took his mind off himself for a while.

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