Wednesday 9 December 2015

Wham! - Last Christmas


I love this song. This song is Christmas all over for me, for me it beats all other Christmas songs. Although I do like a lot of other Christmas songs, but this one is Christmas for me especially the video with it. And George Michael, well...phew! 

I'm sure looking forward to spending Christmas Day with my daughter and Granddaughter in the photo on the left here. I took this photo of them Christmas 2013. We had a lovely day together with Sheila's Husband John, and my newly required Son-in-law( who was then her fiance at the time) and John daughter Shannon my newly required Granddaughter. Yes, this year will be wonderful.
I feel so excited like a little girl.

I bought a bit more Christmas shopping this morning, just to bump up my food cupboard so I don't run out of anything over the holiday period, Christmas and New Year and all I have to really buy during the holiday's will be like bread and milk.

Anyway, got to go, things to do...

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