Monday, 4 January 2016

Virgin Media and Blood Tests

My weekend was quite and normal. There wasn't any outbursts from anyone and, I felt calm in myself.
I kept myself busy yesterday as I was on my own then relaxed watching a couple of films on TV, on the film channels that I had ordered from Virgin media for the holiday period. There wasn't much to choose from really and I think it was a waste of money having the extra film channels put on which they are charging me £19.50 for, and most of the films were repeats.
I got a letter from Virgin media last month to say they will be charging £3. 99 extra starting near the end of February. No, I think Virgin media will have to go.

I'm going to have my blood test done this morning.  The blood test is for Diabetes and a water test too. I've already got my water specimen done ready to take with me. I've had the test forms for about 2 months.
? is having his blood test done this morning too so, I thought I would go with him.

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