Tuesday, 30 August 2016

MY First Signs of Something Wrong...

I was thinking yesterday (haha! Thinking, that's a laugh on its own) about when I first noticed something going wrong with me. I think I was around 15-16. I was having bad migraines and was sent for tests with, like electrode things stuck on my scalp and I noticed I was having numbness in the top of my L/thigh. I didn't think nothing of the numbness at the time or after come to that. I was more concerned about my headaches. I was sent away with pain killers!?? I thought no more about it and just took the pain killers when needed. Some years later I had 2 Epileptic fits. I had an MRI scan but, Chiari was never mentioned and years later 2006 I had another MRI scan and was diagnosed with Chiari. So thinking about it. I wonder if Chiari could have been there all the time before diagnosis!

And, thinking further back in my secondary school years. I do remember having problems with lessons, listening to what is said and forgetting straight away, couldn't concentrate or grasp what was being taught. A kind of blankness!? And I couldn't hold a conversation for long or couldn't find the words I wanted to say. Yes, I think this Chiari symptoms could go back much further than I first thought. The numbness in my L/thigh was there earlier than I thought. I think I thought at the time it was my weight problem causing the numbness in my thigh!??
And, my legs and feet going to sleep, tingling numbness. This I noticed when riding my bike around the streets, anyway that's what is coming to mind now. Why didn't I mention this to my parents I don't know, maybe, I thought they might have think me nuts or something.

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