Friday, 30 June 2017

Moorfields Eye Hospital...Cataracts!

This morning I made dinner early for ? and G/son for 12:pm. I had some cooked beef that I had defrosted and put it in a dish with gravy for about an hour and served it with mash potato, cabbage and carrots. I didn't have any dinner myself as I had to get ready for this afternoon as I had an appointment at Moorfields Eye Hospital Clinic at Upney, Barking. 
I was picked up by Ambulance around 12:30pm. My appointment was for 1:45pm and arrived at the clinic and bought myself a cup of coffee and a small packet of biscuits.
I was called out early for a field test and pressure test, then waited a long while to see the Dr. The Dr was taking a long time with each patient.
There wasn't many people there this afternoon really, I thought it would be packed out. 
I got chatting to a lady from Hornchurch, she came in after me and left before I saw the Dr. 
Then it was my turn. I went in to see the Dr. She gave me a test I hadn't had done before for color blindness and that was fine. The Dr said the pressure in my R/eye was 12 and L/eye was 11 and she was pleased with that. The last few times it was as high as 16 and 17. So, I'm pleased too. But, the Dr. did say she was concerned about the cataracts, mostly my R/eye as it has got worse and has advised me to have the ops done on both my eyes. After I had seen the Dr. I had to have another test called HRT, then I left.
The Dr. wants to do the R/eye first being it is the worst one. 
I've got an all day appointment 3rd November to have tests done throughout the day from 8:30am until the end of clinic. I can see this is going to be a boring day. I think the Dr said this appointment is to see if everything is ok so they can do the ops and I think there's another appointment for pre-op too!? 
I did say I wasn't sure about these ops because of complications. The Dr. said it is very rare that things go wrong.
Oh well, I will go along with the flow


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