Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Wish Something Nice Will Happen...

I had a normal pleasant day yesterday (Tuesday). There was no bad feelings or cross words, the day passed with no conflict at all.

Today, I still felt tired from Sunday after doing some chores. It took me a couple of days to get over doing chores that I should never have attempted in the first place as it was far too much for me. I wanted to do them as I felt good in myself at the time and didn't give it another thought and not thinking how it was going to affect me in the long run.

This morning ? and I went to The Heathway to buy a birthday card. ? parked the car in Blackborne Road at the rear of the Mall. There was a Police car and a Dog handler car parked near where we parked and the Police were in one of the houses.
Anyway, we bought the card, we passed Percy Ingle Baker shop and my favorite cake was in the window and beckoning me to buy it, but I was strong and walked on by...sigh! 
We noticed how many shops had closed down. Its a wonder the Mall is still open. We went to the car and came home.
Once in-doors I made a potato salad for ? and myself for dinner. Steven microwaved a small steak and kidney pudding each, for him and Zoe. I had cooked some mash and broccoli for them.
After I had washed and put away the dishes,  I washed a couple of my bits of clothing by hand and sat in the garden and watched them drip...haha! Nah, I just sat in my lounger in the shade for about an hour while it was quite and listened with my earphones on too some soft music on my phone. It was warm and peaceful and I felt so relaxed...sigh! I then went and watched some TV in my room and fell asleep, can't remember what I was watching at the time.

? was sitting in the lounge watching a cowboy film and changing channels so he could watch the horse racing in between or the other way round!? 
Zoe was getting ready to go to a birthday party in Hornchurch, she was meeting up with her friend katy and they were going together and she was going back to Katy's to stay the night. 

After Zoe had gone out, I went in her room to straighten it up a bit, you would think Zoe had burglar's in her room, everything was all over the place, anyway I picked things up and put them aside so I could straighten her bed and get to her window to shut it. Zoe came home at 7am this morning (Wednesday).
After ? went out, I put a few bits away in my room. Then got myself a cup of tea and cream crackers with cream cheese on and watched TV in the lounge. I watched the first half of Emmerdale as it was an hour long, I changed channels and watched Eastenders. 

I then went to my room to Holby so my G/son Steven could watch his  programs he wanted to watch in the lounge while I so could relax and watch Midsomer Murders on ITV3 in my room, I then settled down for the night. 

Last night was hot, and has been for a few nights now. I did have a good nights sleep and I was still up at 5:30am this morning. 
Looks like its going to be another lovely dayagai today. It is lovely and warm and the sun is shining brightly.
Yesterday, I cleaned and disinfected my large holdall bag for Steven as he is going on a weeks holiday to Cornwall on Friday with his mum and her boyfriend Lee and Jade and they will all be meeting up next week with his other Nan and grandad who are at this moment holidaying in Devon, they will both be going to stay in Cornwall for a week too.

I'm wondering if I will be going out anywhere nice this year or not!!?? I hope to think I will or wish something nice will happen...Sigh! I long to be beside the sea for the fresh air.


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