Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Tried Out A Couple Of Things...

I've been trying out a couple of things this week. 
I've made a few graphics using my phone, made a couple of CD's and I tried to burn photos to DVD, but was unable to for some reason, so will try again. Can't think what it is I'm doing wrong right now, but I will get there in the end.
I also made my own face mask with Bi-Carbonated Soda. I made a paste of Bi-carb and water and put it on my face, left it to dry for about 10 minutes, then wash it off with tepid water. It works wonders and made my face looks and feel fresh and clean, and the bi-carb pulled out a couple of blackheads I had noticed I had. 
There are several things Bi-Carbonated Soda can b used for.

I/we are all going to Vauxhall holiday park Gt.Yarmouth in August, so really looking forward too that, just to get a break from home for a while. 
We have been there before and liked it although I do prefer Havens Holiday Parks myself as I think they are more classy and next to the beach where Vauxhall is a bit inland. Vauxhall was the only place I could find where there is no smoking allowed or animals in the caravan for the week we wanted to go away for our holiday. What I like about Vauxhall's is the shops and everything is under cover. I think there is more things been added to the site since I last went there which was about 6-8 years ago...I think! because there was some building going on last time I went there and I don't remember The Tree House being there. And I also like it as it is close to the main shop ASDA, trains and buses, not that I will be using trains or buses myself, and Gt.Yarmouth beach isn't too far away anyway, walking distance really for able bodied people.

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Time...Tic Toc

This is me, roughly in my 40s.  It's funny how the years make ya look ya know, from young to old age...Tic-Toc! Tic-...