Saturday, 10 September 2016

Confirmation of Asbestos on Lung and Brain,,,

I'm concerned about ? He went to see his GP yesterday. ? asked what can be done about the Asbestos in his lung. The GP told him that they were talking about taking ? lung out and  decided against it because it would spread further and fast. ? asked about the mass on the brain and was told that is Asbestos too. The GP said they are concerned about the severe headaches ? is having as they are there all the time. The Doctors don't know what to do at the moment.
? has now got confirmation about the Asbestos in his lung and on his brain.

I'm thinking this could be secondary Cancer. I know this wrong to think like this, but we have to think ahead as it don't sound good and nothing can be done, there's no cure. 
I know ? is worried about it as I am too. ? and myself are wondering how long he has. 
It feels like a hopeless situation, but I know I will have to stay strong for ? and carry on as normal. as normal like make light of this health condition like the other conditions he has. 
? does the same about my own health conditions too. It helps to lighten the load so to speak.

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