Saturday, 18 June 2022

Hospital Appointments, And Many Tests

I managed to get an appointment to see my GP last Wednesday 15th June she wants me to have lots of blood tests, hopefully they will show why I'm continuously ill all the time. And, yesterday Friday 17th June I had an appointment with at the respiratory clinic at Queens Hospital, I was in with the consultant talking to him for 1 hour and half, he was asking me loads of questions and I told him all that's been happening to me especially about the continuous chest infections that don't seem to leave me and continously taking antibiotics and steroids which just isn't right. Thursday 9th June I had a phone call from the consultant from The Royal Free Hospital about my Fabry Disease, the consultant is sending me for many tests including heart kidney and brain. Looks like I'm getting an all round full MOT. Hopefully something must show up somewhere while I'm always ill. I seem to get about a week free from illness then its all back again. I did think the chest infections was because of Fabry Disease because of low immune system, I don't really know, but the tests will show if it's immune system low. I've got an appointment  22nd December to go all the way to The Royal Free for just a blood test in Hampstead London as they deal with rare diseases.


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