Saturday, 11 June 2022

Uncomfortable Twitches 🤪👀🤷‍♀️

My body has got a mind of its own. I go to sleep then all of a sudden my body wakes me up by sort of jumping/twitching, arms and legs twitching ,  don't mean all twitches at same time, then I'm restless, twitches all night long, sometimes I can get back to sleep and others times awake all night 🤷‍♀️
I remember early 1980s. It was Christmas night and I stayed up late making pastr
ies and cakes. It must have been around 1am Boxing Day. I had sat down to rest before I went to bed. I stood up and my right foot-leg had a mind of its own which I couldn't control, my foot kept banging on the floor like ballet pivot, omg that was so painful, I had no control this went on for a couple of minutes which felt like forever. I called for my husband and he called an ambulance and went to hospital A&E. The Dr said my foot was so badly bruised and thought I had broken little bones in my foot, nothing could be done at the time except for keeping foot cold-pack and pain killers, I didnt have x-ray because of bruising and was told I had an appointment for 3 weeks time, by this time my foot felt ok so I didn't go for appointment. I wish I had though because I get lots of pain in my foot now. I use a walking stick which helps me get about mostly for balance. I'm not crippled as such, I can walk on my foot and get around. I put this involuntary movements down to Chiari Malformation. Chiari can cause so many things to happen. I know this sounds unbelievable but it did happen as I said znd is a symptom of Chiari Malformation. 
I advise anyone who has an accident to always attend the appointments. 


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