Friday, 8 July 2022

Hiatus Hernia Appointment Decision Today

I've got a hospital appointment tomorrow Friday 8th July to see the surgeon at Queens Hospital about operating on my Hiatus Hernia. I think sometimes I've lived with my situation a long while now so I could live with it permanently for the rest of my life instead of risking my life with all my health problems too ya know.
I know how the Hiatus Hernia was caused. I had a habit every week or two weeks of moving furniture around my house on my own, stupid I know! I felt something rip inside me, I not only done this once but twice and I didn't bother going to Drs or hospital, I just left it each time, so stupid! Then what happened half my stomach worked its way through the lining wall, now a bigger hole up in my chest and the other half where it should be. I think the consultant will say they won't take the risk of operating because I told them about a cardiac arrest I had 1975, and there again my age of 75 years is against me too. 

Today is Friday 8th July. I thought about this problem above over night and thought why should I risk my life as I've had the problem for so long. I get discomforts and lots of pain after eating foods for sure and being sick a lot because the food can't go down like it should. So looking at the situation logically, I stay as I am and not rock the boat so to speak. And I eat mashed up or soft foods as i was told to do. There's lots of foods I dont like much anyway like meats and dairy product and bread I'm a fussy eater and eat little, I eat mostly vegetables anyway. The thought or mention of foods makes me feel sick. The other day I really fancied boiled egg sandwich, omg once I made the sandwich I almost vomited so threw the sandwich away. This happens often, I cook something, dont matter what it is and again I can't eat it, I'm the same with cereals or toast even. I think its the problem with the Hiatus Hernia that causes this to happen.
I advise anyone who hurts inside whether its caused by Hiatus Hernia. There is a difference between Herias. Hiatus Hernia is  in chest area, and a Hernia is in be belly area. If ya suspected Hernias go and get it checked out, sometimes there's no pain then another time there's lots of pain. I did have a Hernia in my belly many years ago before I got the Hiatus Hernia and it was operated on and got that sorted.


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