Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Priority Diagnostics

I was taken to King George's Hospital by ambulance which was arranged for me 29th August to the cancer unit, I was priority and was rushed to base 4 which is the cancer unit, the first thing the Dr told me was I'm very pale. After some examinations I must say was thorough, then he said, none of the last tests were followed up. And further questioning he said im very low on red blood cells. I've to have the first lot of tests this Monday 8th August endoscopy and a colonscopy because I have problems eating and get so much pain when I do eat which makes me sick, some foods I can keep down. They want to investigate my stomach and colon more, the last tests found something in my colon. The Dr  said there should have been follow up tests done. Something else the Dr said is I'm bleeding in the gut. 

I No wonder I feel so ill, tired and out of it all the time, and I try so hard to be happy go lucky because thats what I am, but find it hard at times now because of being ill and pain. I've got so many illnesses I find it hard to keep up with each illness. 

The consultant said you know this is a cancer unit, I didn't know until he said, and I said how can I have cancer look at the size of me, I'm fat. He said well theres that to it. But saying that I read on the Internet that obese people are candidates for cancer. Still i'll have to see what the results are, and take it how it comes. I want to know what's wrong with me good or bad. I'm not worried or scared even, I just want to know so I can have treatment for what ever it is. 


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