Wednesday, 10 August 2022

HEALTH: Ups and Downs

I had the Endoscopy and Colonscopy done Monday just gone. All went well. 2 polyps removed from colon and 4 biopsies from the small bowel sent to the lab, the results will be sent to my consultant

I've got another rapid diagnostic appointment for CT scan this Sunday14th August on my Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis. Again looks like I'm going on my own 🤷‍♀️ someone promised to go with me, I didn't ask him he offered and again today hes let me down, I can't believe it. I won't rely on this person again.
I have problems with foods either nausea or being sick. I go for a couple of days without foods because the thought, smell or if I see foods it turns my insides over and when I do eat I get pain in the stomach nausea and sometimes more often than not up it comes, sometimes when I'm out I'll eat crisp, I can keep that down, but I have to fancy them..weird. To be honest I dislike foods especially meats and dairy stuff. I've been like this for years on and off since before covid, but it's got so much worse. Sometimes my stomach bloats real bad and I get nauseous and I look like I'm pregnant. 
I prefer to drink plain water, sometimes with ribera. When out in a pub I'll drink water mostly, sometimes a shandy or at odd times I might fancy a vodka and orange, but gone right off them, I remember the last vodka and orange I bought I just left it, it made me feel so sick all of a sudden just looking at it, I prefer water, it's all so weird. Sometimes I drink only watar and I bring that up too

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Months of painful health events

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