Sunday, 12 February 2023

I am the chosen one for sure 🙄😇🙏

Ya know what I feel like I'm the chosen one for yeah the chosen one 🤣 being continuously ill. What with chest infections which I've got again following my freezing cold intolerance last week which was the worst time of my life, freezing inwardly with violent continuously body shaking, I don't know how I got through it all and I'll never forget it. What makes it worse is I phoned 111 they said they've never heard of Fabry Disease and I'm not an emergency so I had no-one to help me through my crisis. I tell ya the unless ya got breathing problems or heart problems ya got no chance ya could be left to die. I've prayed 🙏 quite a bit this past week. Only God knows what I've been through this week. Thank you God for bring me through my bad times 🙏 Amen.
I must remember try not to be ill. Especially with Fabry Disease as no-one knows anything about the disease.

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