Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Fear, Nervousness, Depression

I don't know why I feel like I do. I feel lost, fearful, anxious, can't sleep, tension, depression, don't know whether I'm coming or going,
Normally I can shake this feeling off in a couple of days but I'm finding it hard.
I keep feeling anxious like somethings wrong, on edge all the time, like I'm in trouble or someone's coming after me. I don't know why I feel like this, its stupid.

I've started reading my book 'Self Help For Your Nerves' to help me calm down.
I think my meds have got a lot to do with how I feel, like a nervousness, emptiness, helplessness for no reason. 

I feel the Drs have messed with my head by stopping some of my meds and putting me in anxiety state, and putting me on different meds.

The Drs tell me I've got this, that and the other wrong with me, now I'm being tested for thyroid, what ever next, and what with all the amount of meds I'm on I don't know whether I'm coming or going ya know. It's all just crazy.

I'll just concentrate on the book I'm reading to help calm me down 'Self Help For Your Nerves'


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