Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Chest Infection with Asthma complications

Would ya bloody believe it, I've got another chest infection.
I haven't and still ain't well. I got a chest infection last week.
The chest infection has lingered on me since last week, I've been having hot lemon and honey hoping that would clear the infection, it hasnt worked before so dont know why i thought it would this time. Around 4am this morning 22/03/2024 I had an Asthma attack and its playing me up with chest infection. Why on earth did I think I could get away with with no antibiotics or steroids I'll never know. I got up about 4:20am as I couldn't breath properly, wheezing and coughing bad even worse moving about, poxy illness. Anyway I've started taking the antibiotics Doxycycline and steroids Prednisolone 40mg now. I'm not going to do anything other than sit around..again, as everytime I move about my Asthma plays up, not so bad while sitting still. 😡
A couple weeks back I had problems with Chiari Malformation a condition of the brain and spine, now chest infection with Asthma complications. Now I can't have my cataract operation on 4th April as I've to be completey clear of antibiotics and steroids. Grrr! I'll have to cancel my operation Monday I think as I'm not up to ringing to talk to anyone today. 

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