Friday 30 January 2015

DVD, Dinner, Hospital appointment...

My daughter Sheila came by yesterday. She stayed for a little while, we had a lovely chat. Then she left to go round to see her friend Wendy. Wendy has got secondary cancer. I only met her once about 7 years ago I think!? when my daughter was moving house. Wendy made us all tea and brought it down to  Sheila's flat while things were being moved.

There wasn't much on TV last night after the soaps had ended so, I watch a DVD 'Love Punch'. It was quite funny really. Anyway it made me laugh here and there.

My granddaughter Jade will be here after school today. I'm cooking a lamb roast today for dinner with some help from my grandson Steven Jade's brother. Their mum Lyndsey will be picking Steven and Jade up this evening after she finishes work.

Later this afternoon , Steven will be going with ? to the hospital as ? has an appointment today.

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Time...Tic Toc

This is me, roughly in my 40s.  It's funny how the years make ya look ya know, from young to old age...Tic-Toc! Tic-Toc! Tim...