Monday, 18 April 2022

Easter Saturday Sunday and Monday

This is my next door neighbour Jack wearing the Easter Bonnet I made a couple of weeks ago for the Easter party we had last week  ðŸ‘€ 🤣🤣🤣 No I didn't win the Easter Bonnet competition! 🤷‍♀️

Easter Satuday was quite really. I intended to go for a short walk, but I felt lethargic so didn't do anything or go anywhere. I wanted to go to church 6pm but as I couldn't I attended service on zoom instead, it was a 2 hour service, I couldn't get my laptop up and running so had to use zoom on my phone and even then I kept dropping it 🙄 what am I like aye 🤦‍♀️ 

Easter Sunday I went to church service with my friend Shel and her granddaughter Sinem. The service was good. We all stood around talking to each other before we left. We returned home. 
After dinner I felt so fatigued and had to rest on my bed and drifted off to sleep for a couple of hours. 
Later my next door neighbour Jack and me went to the cinema to see 'The Lost City' it was good. After the film we wanted to go for a meal, we went to Brewers Fayre but it was shut because of gas leak, so we went to 'The Pipe Major that was chocabloc, and there was a long wait for a table so we gave it up as a dead loss and went home. Jack ordered fish n chips, there was far too many chips so I phoned my friend Kaye to join us to have some chips, Kaye was pleased and enjoyed the chips and the evening. 
Again I became so fatigued and had to leave to come back to my flat. I went straight to bed. I had my pillows propped up and I sat up because I had eaten.

Easter Monday.  Shel and me went to church again today. It was a said mass in The Lady Chapple' after mass we stayed and chatted which was nice. 
When we got home I went to Shels house for a cup of tea and chat. Bert rang me while I qas there, him and Steven our grandson were on their way round, they had bought me bread and a couple of other bits I needed. I was making them both sandwiches and For no reason I had to go to the bathroom to be sick, I hadn't eaten anything. All I had eaten was a hot cross bun this morning. I just drank water after 🤷‍♀️ Later, after they had gone I went in Jack's for cup of coffee and watched TV,  Jacks got sky tv, i had a packet of crisps an orange juice. I was watching a cowboy film then all of a sudden without warning felt so fatigued and I could hardly keep my eyes open, so I came home. I had to go and be sick again.
I don't like how I'm feeling and this sickness. I don't know what will be done for me or will anything be done.


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