Saturday 4 May 2024

Time...Tic Toc

This is me, roughly in my 40s. It's funny how the years make ya look ya know, from young to old age...Tic-Toc! Tic-Toc! Time just passes us by without us realising.

I cant believe it, I've got insomnia again and can't sleep I got up and made a cup of tea and had a couple of biscuits, I feel so restless. I hope I'm not going to be awake all night ive got plans to tidy up my flat as I've been too ill to do anything lately.  
I weighed myself this morning, I've lost 7lbs in weight, and I've been on antibiotics and steroids, I felt sure I had put on weight.


Wednesday 27 March 2024

Chest Infection Never Ending!

Why am I prone to chest infections, that's what I want to know!? It's mean!
This poxy illness just won't leave me alone. For about 2 weeks I've had a chest infection, I should be getting better instead I'm getting worse. My breathing is erratic on exertion with Asthma flare ups and my mouth and throat feels sore.
I've got 1 more antibiotic dyoxicilline capsul left last one tomorrow, I've finished the course of steroids Prednisolone 40 gms.


Fear, Nervousness, Depression

I don't know why I feel like I do. I feel lost, fearful, anxious, can't sleep, tension, depression, don't know whether I'm coming or going,
Normally I can shake this feeling off in a couple of days but I'm finding it hard.
I keep feeling anxious like somethings wrong, on edge all the time, like I'm in trouble or someone's coming after me. I don't know why I feel like this, its stupid.

I've started reading my book 'Self Help For Your Nerves' to help me calm down.
I think my meds have got a lot to do with how I feel, like a nervousness, emptiness, helplessness for no reason. 

I feel the Drs have messed with my head by stopping some of my meds and putting me in anxiety state, and putting me on different meds.

The Drs tell me I've got this, that and the other wrong with me, now I'm being tested for thyroid, what ever next, and what with all the amount of meds I'm on I don't know whether I'm coming or going ya know. It's all just crazy.

I'll just concentrate on the book I'm reading to help calm me down 'Self Help For Your Nerves'


Chest Infection with Asthma complications

Would ya bloody believe it, I've got another chest infection.
I haven't and still ain't well. I got a chest infection last week.
The chest infection has lingered on me since last week, I've been having hot lemon and honey hoping that would clear the infection, it hasnt worked before so dont know why i thought it would this time. Around 4am this morning 22/03/2024 I had an Asthma attack and its playing me up with chest infection. Why on earth did I think I could get away with with no antibiotics or steroids I'll never know. I got up about 4:20am as I couldn't breath properly, wheezing and coughing bad even worse moving about, poxy illness. Anyway I've started taking the antibiotics Doxycycline and steroids Prednisolone 40mg now. I'm not going to do anything other than sit around..again, as everytime I move about my Asthma plays up, not so bad while sitting still. 😡
A couple weeks back I had problems with Chiari Malformation a condition of the brain and spine, now chest infection with Asthma complications. Now I can't have my cataract operation on 4th April as I've to be completey clear of antibiotics and steroids. Grrr! I'll have to cancel my operation Monday I think as I'm not up to ringing to talk to anyone today. 

My Amazing Friend

Just got a message from my friend Kim from The RAF club i go to sometimes. She sings at the RAF club. She had her audition that I set up for her yesterday evening. I'm pleased to say she got through her audition and got a standing ovation too. And a few bookings in the Acts and Actors club in Covent Garden London where she auditioned yesterday evening Friday 24th February, and bookings at The Queens Theatre Hornchuch. Bloody hell shes so over the moon and I'm so pleased for her. She deserves this break through she's got such a stunning strong voice, I would say she's in the same class as Shirley Bassey. 
My friend Kaye or I should say Kaye is more of an acquaintance really, I first met her in late 1968 when she was acting and singing on stage in Swanage while I was on holiday and I met up with her again 2021 by chance really. Kaye belongs to 'The Royal Variety Group' Kaye still sings but she mostly compares the shows she sets up at various venues, she's always looking for new artistes. Singers and various different acts. 


Wednesday 20 March 2024

chest infection

Again I've got a chest infection, first one for a while now, I've been clear for a couple of months now I would say, so I shouldn't moan about that really, being that I was ill continuously month in and month out, year in and year out previously, I shouldn't be over thankful 🙏 as all could go from good to worse at any time. I do feel unwell often but don't actually know which illness it is as I have so many health conditions. I get over one illness then another illness starts. 


Sunday 31 December 2023

Talk about memory loss🙄

My brain goes blank a couple of seconds after I think of what I want to do, it's so frustrating. Sometimes it's important and another time it's about nothing imparticular. 
Just a while ago I wanted to write here about what happened to me then it just fizzled away just like that and I really can't remember what it was.
Absolute  brainless


Time...Tic Toc

This is me, roughly in my 40s.  It's funny how the years make ya look ya know, from young to old age...Tic-Toc! Tic-...